Eli Publishing Games

Eli Publishing Games

For over forty years, ELI has been at the forefront of foreign language teaching publications. ELI’s monthly language magazines in over five modern languages, its language courses, supplementary materials and publications for pre-school, primary school, secondary school and university students have created a world-famous brand that guarantees quality and creativity.
Eli Games - Adjectives & Opposites - NEW
ELI Games - Around the City
Eli Games - Let's Party
Eli Games - Picture Bingo
Eli Games - Preposition Island
Eli Games - Question Chain
ELI Games - Questions & Answers
ELI Games - Sentence Maker
Eli Games - The Debate is open
Eli games - The directions game
Eli Games - The Game of Emotions
Eli Games - The Grammar Tree
Eli Games - The Great Verb Game
Eli Games - The Idioms Game - NEW
Eli games - The Quartet Game
Eli Games - The Story Maker
Eli Games - Verb Draughts - NEW
Eli Games - What Is It? - NEW
Eli Games- That's my job